At hearings and meetings, hundreds of us point out misinformation from the City about the East Side Coastal Resiliency project to bury East River Park under eight feet of landfill.

We Really Listen
Maybe the biggest lie is that the Department of Design and Construction and Parks Department are listening to the community. If they listened, they’d have to revise what they say based on reams of evidence we’ve provided over and over.
Cars Over Community
Lorraine Grillo, Commissioner of the Department of Design and Construction, at the hearing before the Subcommittee on Landmarks, Sitings and Dispositions Oct. 3, talked about the reasons the previous plan developed with Rebuild by Design was superseded by this much bigger, more expensive project.
One of the most important reasons was to eliminate years of nighttime pile driving to build flood walls along the FDR Drive. That was so the city would not have to close one lane of traffic during the day. The city is demolishing our park so it won’t have to disrupt traffic. That tells our modest-income neighborhood that cars are more important than community.
It’s a particularly terrible argument because there are three lanes the whole length of East River Park that merge into two lanes. It would make little to no difference in traffic to close a lane during the day.
It’s also terrible environmental policy. Automobiles emissions contribute to high rates of asthma in our neighborhood. Make it less convenient to use the FDR. Don’t just keep traffic flowing smoothly at the community’s expense.
The Trees are Old and Sick and Dying
Another defense of the project given at the Oct. 3 hearing was that the 1,000 mature trees in the park, many 80 years old, are at the end of their lives. They’re old and sick and dying. And they’d just be killed by another storm surge that would inundate the park with salt water.
That is a slander against the many magnificent elms, oaks, London Planes and other beautiful trees in the prime of life, and they’re all Hurricane Sandy survivors.
Is the parks department really so ignorant that they think trees get old and feeble on the same time span as people? We’ve heard this argument used as an excuse to demolish Fort Greene Park’s wonderful trees, too.
Trees that are damaged in a storm or that become frail or sick should be replaced as they fail, not while they are in their big shady form as they are now. New trees should be saltwater resilient. In the meantime, we should construct flood protection in a way that will preserve as much of the park as possible as a floodable park that will recover.
The Promenade is Already Flooding
An official also said the East River Park promenade has already flooded and has had to be closed numerous times. That’s completely untrue. It was closed during Hurricane Sandy. That’s it.

You Must Have Artificial Turf
A reason the administration gives for having to elevate the park eight feet is so that it can’t be flooded because ball fields will be destroyed and have to be reconstructed in a lengthy and expensive process. It is true that synthetic turf fields cannot withstand flooding. They are very expensive to replace. Natural grass turf, however, is resilient. It recovers quickly.
Why isn’t the park using natural turf fields in East River Park and throughout the city? The city says it takes more maintenance. There are many reasons why it should be worth it for the city to budget the kinds of maintenance natural turf requires.
Here is from a New York City publication on materials that should be used for parks:
“Natural grass reduces surface temperatures, lowers noise levels, traps and biodegrades airborne pollutants, supports worms and insects that are fed on by birds and other animals.”
“Artificial turf may cause environmental damage, including consumption of raw materials and energy, and emissions to air, water, and land…due to the lack of transpiration and heat trapping in the plastic and rubber materials, the surface temperature of artificial turf is elevated (20 °C or even more above that of natural grass) under direct sunlight; production and transportation of artificial turf release large amounts of GHGs; (greenhouse gasses); and artificial turf needs to be disposed of in landfills at the end of its functional life as most of the components cannot be recycled.”
The high temperatures on artificial turf are extreme. My husband replaced two pair of shoes he used for softball because the soles melted playing on artificial turf. Clearly, the artificial turf is not good for the players on the fields, but that’s especially true for children who are breathing the chemicals emitted from the synthetic turf and possibly overheating because the temperature of the fields is so extreme.
Walls and More Walls
The city often says they’re killing and rebuilding East River Park because NYCHA leaders insist on flood protection as soon as possible.
And because NYCHA leaders objected to looking at an ugly wall against the FDR (the previous plan has some plain flood walls along the highway). Meanwhile, NYCHA is getting its own flood protection via FEMA-funded big ugly walls. It’s one of the many HUH? moments you get when you listen to the City too much.
The city has not considered a green living wall. Besides being pleasing to view, a green wall will help absorb the toxic emissions from the heavy traffic on the FDR. I asked a Department of Design and Construction official about it, and he said the maintenance would be too high.
Hard Truth–Our Neighborhood is too Poor for Long-Term Maintenance of Environmentally and Socially Best Practices for the Neighborhood or the Earth.
There it is. Maintenance costs. It seems that this park is being rebuilt not to withstand storm surges but to withstand future budget constraints. Officials know this is not a neighborhood that can raise millions for a conservancy the way Central Park does to maintain its natural turf fields.
Truth: New York City Can Do Better
City Council: VOTE NO.
It’s time to reevaluate the use of the $1.45 billion to rebuild the park in this destructive way. We can redevelop the plan to improve the environment, not destroy it. We can cover the FDR with a park. We can build in future maintenance costs so that we can have natural green ballfields and green flood walls in places where it’s not viable to cover the entire FDR.
It’s time to stop this current brute-force, destructive, 20th century-style monster of a plan that is now in effect. It’s time to use 21st Century imagination and care for our climate in the city and the earth.
Here are more Lies and Facts we published at the beginning of June compiled by Marie de Cenival.. We politely called it “Dissembling.” Some of the same points as above, some different ones. The City has not changed its arguments at all.
UNFORTUNATELY it appears ALL “politicians” are self serving liers. WE get no respect became WE DO NOT DEMAND IT .. this is America.. people with less money are ALWAYS abused.. THAT is the “American Way” (study real history) WE have to vote these monsters OUT of office. It’s actually not that complicated. LETS FIGHT BACK AND STOP BEING “VICTIMS”. …F A Schiro.
Well argued and a good summation, I think. Thank you, Pat.
Mr. Di Blasio, Ms. Chin and Ms. Rivera – are you aware that you’re risking a generation of kids around here growing up without access to green space?
Of course they are “aware” of that fact.. THEY JUST DO NOT GIVE A DAM.
This is the definition among many of what cronie capitalism really is!!! They promise so much and deliver very little or none at all. Lie, lie, lie, is all they do!!! God help us to kill this retarded plan once and for all!!!!
I prefer to keep the park, narrow the FDR highway, & build a flood wall. Plant real grass fields . And hire park caretakers from the area & or employ using low income people & students. The people of LES want a real park . Stop messing around with us !
Dear Council Member Ms. Rivera,
I’m one of the many advocates trying to save the East River Park from total Destruction in Mark Hallum photograph for this article (attached) regarding the Oct 3, 2019 City Hall Meeting.
I was holding the crime scene photos protest signs, which weren’t taken away from me. What’s being taken away is a neglected but beautiful and tranquil 60 acre park serving the people since 1939.
At the Oct 3rd City Hall meeting there was so many people against this destruction, that we were limited to only two minutes to voice our opinions.
You were only the Council Member left to listen to our protests; you also have the most important vote as District #2 Council Member and this your community, Vote NO.
We all clearly stated to you, with our valid complaints to Vote NO against this destructive plan. I stated, “how can you save something by totally destroying it?”
You can’t, the bulldozing of over 1,000 mature trees, many over 80 feet and years old, plus the associated wildlife is an environmental hazard. What’s in 80 year old soil and dust that will float around the City, while East River Park is riven to pieces?
While the city promises to keep at least 42% of the Park open, will you want to run, bicycle, plays sports, while this toxic pollution is floating around?
The original and common sense plan was to build a Sea Wall along the whole length east-end of FDR Drive. So why did the city change gears and will build a Sea Wall to 14th St.; then stop and then resume the Sea Wall again past Corlears Hook? What’s the logic behind this?
Why would you destroy 2 miles of beautiful scenery, wildlife, and take away free and healthy activities for all the people and instead City Hall decides to use 19th Century technology and build a Levee that will cost more money and is more hazardous, and totally destructive?
The Sea Wall along the FDR would stop any damage to the area and future improvements could later be added; such as to tunnel in the FDR and build promenade over it; like a new Highline of the East Side.
The East River Park survived Hurricane Sandy and rising of water levels will take decades or longer, but technology will improve the current Levee Plan and if a chance Category 5 Hurricane hit the park, let Mother Nature do the destruction; not the city. There is no guarantee the new design will fare any better than 1939 Robert Moses design in a Category 5 event.
On personal level this Park gives much happiness to thousands of people many who are your constitutes and too many creatures of all sorts. You, Ms. Carlina Rivera stated at the City Hall Meeting how you grew up in this park.
I ask you; do you remember all the birthday parties, barbecues, dancing at the Amphitheater, playgrounds, sports, little league, bicycling, and free fun and exercise?
Where are these people supposed to go; to the Hamptons? In good conscience Ms. Carlina Rivera, vote NO and come out against this terrible plan of destruction.
I attached the full crime scene photos of the entire East River Park for prosperity sake, let hope you don’t vote to destroy it.
Andre Dupuis
P.S. This total destruction plan of E.R.P. would not fly; if this was Battery Park City, Riverside Park, or if Jackie O or someone of importance was against it, so looks like land grab to me and to most other people in your district. All it takes one brave and a person of importance and character to stand up to this boondoggle.