The East Side Coastal Resiliency Project repeatedly affects nearby residents, even though one of the reasons the city gave for the complete destruction of East River Park was that it would lessen the disruptions. Yet, late night noise, dust, power outages, delays in toxic cleanup at Riis Houses and other problems plague the neighborhood. What…
Tag: East Village
City of Dense
Amazing fact. The population density of our Lower East Side and East Village is 95,965 per square mile. That far exceeds anywhere else in the city, and get this–it far exceeds Kolkata, India, with 77,952 people per square mile. This is one reason we need greening—more trees and other plantings and real grass turf fields*–to…
East River Park Action at the Storefront for Art and Architecture
We’ve been invited to do a program by the Storefront gallery at 97 Kenmare St. Tuesday, April 30, 6:30 to 8:00. (just E. of Mulberry). The Storefront for Art and Architecture displays multimedia work and arranges discussions about new ways to think about architecture, art and design. It will feature a special showing of Harriet Hirshorn’s…
HELP! Preserve the north end of East River Park AND gain oversight on construction
Sign the Petition! Four years ago, our Lower East Side/East Village community petitioned the City Council to reconsider the East Side Coastal Resiliency (ESCR) plan that would demolish its beloved mile-long East River Park and build a massive levee. Less destructive alternatives were possible. Our voices went unheard. Today, we face the consequences as the…
Stringer Declines to Sign Contract
Park Destruction Stalls for a Possible 60 days On Wednesday, July 28, news broke that Comproller Scott Stringer did not sign the IPC Partners contract at hand, but instead sent it back to the Department of Design and Construction (DDC) to address concerns. This came after Christopher Marte, winner of the Democratic primary race for…
Lawsuit Filed for Unredacted Value Engineering Report
What’s wrong with the flood control plan for the Lower East Side? Let’s see the report and find out, says a new lawsuit. NYC may have to reveal the contents of a hidden study that supposedly justified the complete destruction of East River Park and the building of a giant levee at double the cost…
Over Budget
The CONSTRUCTION BIDS are in, and they are off-the-charts. Not in a good way. The lowest bids for the East Side Coastal Resiliency project will cost $73 million more than the $1.45 billion budget… and they’ve barely started. These bids do not include the new ‘parallel conveyance’ for the enhanced sewer system, or other major components of the plan. Where…
The Rivers Beneath the Streets
Does the East Side Coastal Resiliency incorporate East Village subterranean streams? Mapmaker Wendy Brawer wrote this in February 2019. The questions she asks have not been answered by the city as of the 7/16/20 CB3 Parks meeting. The consequences could be dire. I am haunted by the underground rivers I see in historical maps of Manhattan. I’m especially…
City officials and Community Board 3 claim they are working with the community on the $1.45 billion East Side Coastal Resiliency Project (ESCR). In fact, they are engaging in a ‘conspiracy of silence’ about the massive park-topped flood wall has becomes less transparent to community partners all the time: • no town hall by electeds in…
Interim Flood Protection
Wrecking East River Park can wait, but the Lower East Side and East Village need storm surge barriers for the hurricane season coming up. The East Side Coastal Resiliency (ESCR) plan that would demolish East River Park is likely to be delayed. “In New York City, which was crippled in 2012 by Hurricane Sandy, the…