Biodiversity photo archive at iNaturalist:
You can click on “filters” to select “Research Grade” (more reliable identifications), categories (birds, insects, plants, etc.), or add date or month restrictions.
There is also a bird list on e-Bird: https://ebird.org/hotspot/L872559
Some of these are linked to photos.
An excellent overview of what’s planned for East River Park. 4 min.
Good article about the video at The Village Sun, June 9, 2021
East Side Coastal Resiliency: Something is fishy!
NYC’s East Side Coastal Resiliency Plan: How long will it last? Watch to the end to see brilliant but simple ideas for true resiliency.
by Amy Berkov (8:17 minutes)
NMASS (National Mobilization Against Sweat Shops press conference defending “Chinzilla” poster caricaturing City Council Member Margaret Chin that caused an uproar on social media when East River Park Action posted a picture of it. Features Actioneer Jasmin Sanchez. December 2020 (32 minutes)
Art Attack by Harriet Hirshorn, October 2020 (5 minutes)
Interview with Yvette Mercedes about East River Park, Noticias NY1. 2 1/2 minutes (in Spanish)
Don’t Destroy East River Park by Harriet Hirshorn, 3 minutes
Save East River Park by Kim Sillen, 16 seconds
Interviews by Harriet Hirshorn, 1/2 minute each, approximately
East River Park Speak Out, Harriet Hirshorn Video, 26 min (includes the excerpts above)
Testimonies, video by Harriet Hirshorn, 1/2 minute – 3 minutes each
Here is the entire hearing via the City Council’s recording: https://councilnyc.viebit.com/player.php?hash=koXS67jpEui9
Natalie Dorsat testifies at the borough president’s hearing
Anne Boster testifies at Borough President Gale Brewer’s Hearing “representing myself and other elderly people.”
From Sept. 2019 Rally: Bury the Plan, Not the Park! Video by Harriet Hirshorn
East River Park Action march and rally
Antonio Queylin and Adam Zhu
Daisy Paez
This Bliss is Yours–Graffiti in the Park–by Harriet Hirshorn, 2 1/2 min.
The Fight to Save East River Park by The Indypendent, 4 min.
March to Save East River Park by NY1, 1 min.
More videos revealing our community’s voices—and how they were ignored
—of testimony by Lower East Side residents at the CB3 board meeting June 2019. All testified in whole or in part against the ESCR. See also one CB3 member playing Sodoku and another one texting as their neighbors testified with great passion. CB3 endorsed the plan. This is what listening to the community looks like. Not. https://patarnow.zenfolio.com/p161778316
Also videos of protests.