On September 20, 2021, East River Park Action formally asked the Governor of the State of New York, the Honorable Kathy Hochul, to convene an investigation into the East Side Coastal Resiliency Project immediately, especially the sewer infrastructure alterations, given that the tragic removal of nearly 1,000 drainage – and air quality – critical trees…
Occupy East River Park
by Howard Brandstein As the tenth anniversary of Occupy Wall Street on September 17, we are inspired by the millions of activists across the country who continue to challenge the reigning ideology of capitalism and endless growth that threatens to destroy the social and environmental fabric of our city. What’s happening at East River Park?…
Speaker Corey Johnson
We Need That Hearing! Here’s our letter to our City Council Speaker urging a hearing. Please add your voice by writing, calling, and posting on social media. NYC Council Speaker Corey Johnson224 West 30th St, Suite 1206New York, NY 10001Via Email: SpeakerJohnson@council.nyc.gov Dear Speaker Johnson, On behalf of the Lower East Side community in Manhattan and…
Hear Us, See Us
A podcast and a video tell the story of the opposition to the destruction of East River Park with diverse voices of passionate neighborhood advocates. For more compelling videos filled with facts about the fatal flaws in the East Side Coastal Resiliency plan to raze East River Park, visit our video page:
Stringer Declines to Sign Contract
Park Destruction Stalls for a Possible 60 days On Wednesday, July 28, news broke that Comproller Scott Stringer did not sign the IPC Partners contract at hand, but instead sent it back to the Department of Design and Construction (DDC) to address concerns. This came after Christopher Marte, winner of the Democratic primary race for…
Alienation Lawsuit Appeal
The City has strenuously avoided asking for “alienation” approval from the NYS legislature. East River Park Action insists. The more that is uncovered about the City’s East Side Coastal Resiliency project, the more it is clear that accountability is critical. Attorney Arthur Schwartz filed a brief April 30 asking the appellate court to require state…
Lawsuit Filed for Unredacted Value Engineering Report
What’s wrong with the flood control plan for the Lower East Side? Let’s see the report and find out, says a new lawsuit. NYC may have to reveal the contents of a hidden study that supposedly justified the complete destruction of East River Park and the building of a giant levee at double the cost…
Over Budget
The CONSTRUCTION BIDS are in, and they are off-the-charts. Not in a good way. The lowest bids for the East Side Coastal Resiliency project will cost $73 million more than the $1.45 billion budget… and they’ve barely started. These bids do not include the new ‘parallel conveyance’ for the enhanced sewer system, or other major components of the plan. Where…
Open Air Quality
How we can get the information we need to breathe free LES Breathe took part in a fascinating panel during Open Data Week, an annual knowledge-sharing event sponsored by NYC Open Data. That’s the agency that provides access to the free public data published by New York City and partners, and the nonprofit BetaNYC, which…
A Student’s View
This letter is from Lower East side eighth grader Amalia H. She tells Gov. Cuomo how East River Park is her refuge and gives a cogent argument for a change in plans to demolish the park. The Honorable Andrew M. Cuomo Governor of New York StateNYS State Capitol Building Albany, NY 12224 RE: East River…