Your contribution goes toward:
* Legal Fund (for accountability and transparency)
* LES Breathe (air monitoring and environment)
* Raising Hell (demand a better environment for our park and neighborhood!)
* Emergency fund for wildlife (Goal: $700 for Squirrel Houses + installation)
*[To select the Fund for Wildlife, type “WILDLIFE” in the notes section after clicking the red DONATE NOW button on this page.]
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Why You Should Support East River Park ACTION
What happens in cities is often a crime. History tells us afterwards that big mistakes were made. Ah the original Penn Station, the old Metropolitan opera! Today we are fighting the city’s thoughtless plan to eradicate this gorgeous human park that has offered poor and working-class people their only access to expansive green space in Lower Manhattan and the East Village for more than 80 years.
East River Park is mixing place of young and old, Latinx, Black, Asian, Indigenous, White, LGBT and straight, rich, working class and poor; this park is a living symbol of what’s still great about New York and why we love this city. We of East River Action opposed the demolition of this park for an inadequate flood plan with all our hearts and souls.
We need these butterflies, birds and ballfields, we need these fishermen and laughing kids. We need a space to walk and run and dream. East River Park was built by Robert Moses in 1939 very much to sweeten his real purpose which was to build FDR that has run since then alongside the park, serving people heading uptown and down, entering and leaving the city. They drive by but this park is for us. We are fighting for flood control that preserves our park rather than destroys it.
Read more on this site about the history of this park and our struggle and then donate to stop this major New York tragedy, the murder of a public green space that is ours, yours!
Contribute to our nonprofit East River Park Action using PayPal or a credit card — Or write checks payable to “East River Park Action” then, in the memo write your preference if you have one: LES Breathe, Legal Fund, Raising Hell. Send to East River Park Action, c/o Jonathan Lefkowitz, 428 E. 10th St., New York, N.Y. 10009
East River Park Action is a 501(c)3 corporation, and donations are tax-deductible.