A Labor Day protest and march drew hundreds of people from all over the city who are being pushed out because of rezoning and big construction projects.

The unwritten rule in the New York City Council is deference–every member votes according to the City Council Members’ wishes in projects in their districts. Deference is what sank us when we tried to defeat the East Side Coastal Resiliency project last November. No one would defy Carlina Rivera, whose district includes the East River Park we are trying to save from destruction.
Deference is a lie
A few weeks ago, the City Planning Commission supported the rezoning of Industry City in Sunset Park, Brooklyn, against the wishes of Council Member Carlos Menchaca.
Deference goes to developers.

The rezoning will change the neighborhood from a vibrant, diverse place to another rich development. Marchers are holding the City Council accountable. That’s why everyone marched to the Chelsea home of the leader of the City Council, Speaker Corey Johnson and shouted through a bullhorn, Hey hey, ho ho, Corey Johnson’s got to go.

Also on the Lower East Side
In our neighborhood, it’s not just East River Park getting demolished against community wishes. Developers plan three new obnoxious towers by the Manhattan Bridge.
Besides causing the ill effects of gutting our diverse, low-income neighborhood, NYC shouldn’t be building by the shoreline where sea levels are rising. Our supposedly woke-to-climate-change City Council oughta know better.
Pass the Chinatown Working Group recommendations instead of selling out to developers!

“Do not give into their process,” says City Council candidate Marni Halasa.
We need to stop ULURP, stop the City Planning Commission’s rubber stamping big-money projects, and start looking out for New Yorkers who are not real estate moguls.